Saturday, March 07, 2009

The plumbing pissed me off this week...

So I took it out on Ronnie's bathroom. It all started last Wednesday, when Julie asked me to look at the shower because it was leaking through the knob. I took the knob off, then noticed that the valve behind the knob had about a 3 drip per second leak. Long story short, burned a vacation day soldering in a new 3 way valve, without ripping out the shower stall (take that know it all home depot guy!). Friday evening, downstairs on the computer when Ronnie flushed her toilet- half of it came down on my back. Tear the toilet out, thinking it needed a new wax gasket, but the gasket was fine. The water from our shower had been leeching into the sub floor of Ronnie's bathroom, and it finally gave. When I was tearing out the old floor to inspect the damage, I found out that the previous home owner caused this by putting staples through the old linoleum so it would stick to the sub-floor, then he put new linoleum on top of that. He used regular old staples, straight out of a desk stapler. He then caulked the new linoleum to the wall, but the new linoleum over hung the old by about a half inch. This means the water from my shower leak was going directly under the new linoleum, and penetrating through the hundreds of now rusted out staples. The positive note for Ronnie (and Julie) is that we were able to spend 2 hours today at Lowes, with the two of them picking out new tile, paint, light fixtures, and cabinetry so I can have more fun things to do for the next week.

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